World of Warcraft scripts

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A script is a small computer program written in a scripting language.
World of warcraft has LUA scripting language embedded.
You can enter scripts as a part of a macro or type them in the chat box
starting with /script (255 character limit) or create your own addon.

Useful Wow scripts

Checking your coordinates

/script z = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player");
pos = C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(z,"player");
print(C_Map.GetMapInfo(z).name, math.ceil(pos.x*10000)/100, math.ceil(pos.y*10000)/100)

Run the script and get your coordinates.

Have i completed a quest?

print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(Quest ID))

look up quest on wowhead , the quest id will be in the url (eg. 1135)
replace Quest ID with that number and run the script.
False --> You have not completed the quest.
True --> You have completed the quest

Dragonflight ui Script to sell all grey items in your bags

/run c=C_Container for b=0,4,1
do for s=1,c.GetContainerNumSlots(b),1
do local n=c.GetContainerItemLink(b,s)
if n and string.find(n,"ff9d9d9d")
then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("- Selling "..n)
c.UseContainerItem(b,s) end end end

Click the macro with a vendor window open and it will sell all your grey items.

Remove gryphons from ui

/script MainMenuBarArtFrame.LeftEndCap:Hide()

Run the script to hide the gryphons.

If you want the gryphons back :

/script MainMenuBarArtFrame.LeftEndCap:Show()

If you want to remove gryphons,up/down button,
page number and background frame :

/script MainMenuBarArtFrame.LeftEndCap:Hide()

Put enemy arena team numbers on nameplates

/script local U=UnitIsUnit hooksecurefunc
IsActiveBattlefieldArena()and F.unit:find("nameplate")
then for i=1,5 do if U(F.unit,"arena"..i)
end end end end)

Wow Classic stopwatch

/run Stopwatch_StartCountdown(0, 0, 30); Stopwatch_Play()

Run the script and get a 30 sec stopwatch.

Automatically sell all grey items in your bags

/script for bag = 0,4,1 do for slot = 1,
GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do local name =
if name and string.find(name,"ff9d9d9d")
then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Selling ";
UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end; end; end

Click the macro with a vendor window open and it will sell all your grey items.

Bigger target buff and debuff icons

/script hooksecurefunc("TargetFrame_UpdateBuffAnchor",
function(_, name, i) _G[name..i]:SetSize(22, 22) end);
function(_, name, i) _G[name..i]:SetSize(22, 22) end);

Target marker script

/script SetRaidTarget("target",8);

Sets a skull above your current target.

1 = Yellow Star
2 = Orange Circle
3 = Purple Diamond
4 = Green Triangle
5 = White Moon
6 = Blue Square
7 = Red Cross
8 = White Skull

Increase maximum camera distance

/console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.5

Arena frames outside Arena

/script LoadAddOn("Blizzard_ArenaUI")

Shows the Arena frames and castbars outside the Arena.