macro commands and conditionals
Buy cheap World of Warcraft productsWow macro commands:
Dragonflight Action Targetting System.
Enable this option under: Options> Gameplay> Combat> Enable Action Targetting
Increase the reporting range of an interaction (default is set to 10):
/console SoftTargetInteractRange 20
Check settings:/run print(GetCVar("SoftTargetInteractRange"))
Interaction requires direct facing the target (default is set to 0) set it to 1 or 2 to increase the arc radius
/console SoftTargetInteractArc 1
Patch 7.1 Legion added a new conditional: @cursor for spells that use a targeting circle.
Patch 6.0 Warlords of Draenor added a new conditional to test if you have a certain talent or not and increased the number of general macro slots to 100.
There were changes to the global cooldown for a lot of spells in World of Warcraft:Shadowlands. This will effect a lot of macros
Example for warlocks lvl 30 talents: /cast [talent:2/1] Howl of Terror; [talent:2/2] Mortal Coil; [talent:2/3] Shadowfury
In patch 3.3 the @ symbol has been added as a synonym for 'target=' to make macros more compact.
Tip: Shift-click the spell you want to use in your spellbook while in the Create Macros window ,that way the spelling is always correct.
- #showtooltip : Shows the tooltip of the ability you are using.
- #show :Does not show the tooltip but still shows the cooldown.
- /use 13 : activates trinket 1 ( top one)
- /use 14 : activates trinket 2 (bottom one)
- /equip : equips an item
- /cast : casts a spell
- /castsequence : casts spells in a determined order
- /use : uses an item or consumable
- /focus : Sets your target as your focus target
- /clearfocus : Clears your focus target
- /cleartarget : Clears your target
- /assist player name : Assist a friendly player .Often used in raids to let everybody attack the same target.
- /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() Used to prevent the on screen error message when an item or ability is not ready.
- /petpassive : puts your pet on passive
- /petdefensive : puts your pet on defensive
- /petattack : Tells your pet to attack
- /petfollow : Tells your pet to follow you
- /petstay :Tells your pet to stay
- /cancelform : Cancels your current shapeshift form
- /cancelaura : Turns off an aura you have
- /changeactionbar : Changes your current actionbar
- /stopcasting : Stops whatever you are casting
- /stopwatch : Opens the stopwatch interface
- /targetlastenemy : Target the last enemy you had selected
- /targetexact : Target the exact name
Wow macro conditionals :
Conditionals are used to control actions based on information.
Syntax: /command [conditional] parameter; [conditional] parameter
Conditionals are enclosed within square brackets ,separated by a comma if more than one.
The comma can be seen as an "and"
Conditionals/parameter groups are separated by semicolons.
The semicolons can be seen as an "else"
Example: /cast [Condition] Spell1; Spell2
IF Condition is true : Cast Spell1 ELSE Cast Spell2
Example : /cast [help,@focus] Renew
When you click this macro , first the [help,@focus] condition is tested and when true (you can cast a helpful spell on your focus )
Renew is cast.
[spec:1], [spec:2],[spec:3],[spec:4] .This checks the spec you are currently in. Use it to create a single
macro usable in different specs: /cast [spec:1] spell in first spec; [spec:2] spell in second spec;
- [combat] : True if you are In combat
- [nocombat] : True if you are not In combat
- [exists] : True if you have a tartget
- [dead] : True if Target is dead
- [harm] : True if you can cast harmful spells on the target
- [help] : True if your target can receive a beneficial effect
- [stealth] : True if you are in stealth
- [mounted] : True if you are on a mount
- [mod:shift] , [mod:ctrl] , [mod:alt] True if you hold the given key
- [channeling] : True if channeling a spell
- [nochanneling] : True if you are not channeling a spell
- [vehicleui] : True if the player has a vehicle UI
- [unithasvehicleui] : True if the target of the macro has a vehicle UI
- [party] and [raid]: True if target is in your party / raid
- [indoors] and [outdoors]: True if you are indoors / outdoors
- [talent:Row/Column] : True if you have selected the talent for that row and column.
- [known]: Check if a talent is learned,can be a talent name or spell id.
- Example: /cast [known:Fervor of Battle] Whirlwind; Slam
- [unknown]:Check if the talent is not learned
- [nopet] : True if you don't have any pet active
- [pet:name] : True if you have a pet active
Example: /cast [pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice; [pet:Succubus] Seduction
All targeted conditionals are evaluated on your current target by default. You can change the target of the macro by using a targeting modifier.
- [@focus] evaluates conditionals based on your focus target.
- [@player] evaluates conditionals based on yourself.
- [@mouseover] evaluates conditionals based on the target you mouse is hovering over.
- [@cursor] evaluates conditionals based on the position of your mouse cursor.
- [@pet] Targets pet if conditional is true.
- [@arena1] Only available in arena , targets first unit if conditional is true.
Useful general macros:
Max camera distance macro
Sets your camera distance to the maximum./script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMax",30)
Target the tank's target
Set the tank as your focus (/focus) and your target will be the tank's target./target [target=focustarget, harm, nodead]
Wow Self bandage macro
Bandages yourself.#showtooltip Heavy Windwool Bandage
/use [@player] Heavy Windwool Bandage
Trinket without annoying errors
/run sfx=GetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX");
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/use 13
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX",sfx);
Stopwatch macro
Starts the stopwatch countdown 30 to 0 seconds./stopwatch 30
/stopwatch play
Guild recruitment
Instead of typing your text in general chat every time , just put it into a macro and click the button./1
(Your Guildname) is recruiting players for end game content. Whisper if you want to join our team.