Death Knight macros
Wow macros for the world of warcraft Death Knight class.
Raise Ally macro
Cast Raise Ally on your mouseover target if friendly else on your current target.#showtooltip Raise Ally
/cast [@mouseover,help][target=target]Raise Ally
Mind freeze
Casts Mind freeze on your focus target if you have one else on your current target.#showtooltip Mind Freeze
/cast [@focus,harm,nodead][] Mind Freeze
Death grip focus or target
Death grips your focus or target if you don't have a focus.#showtooltip death grip
/cast [@focus, exists] death grip; death grip
Breath of Sindragosa macro
Cast Breath of Sindragosa.#showtooltip
/cast !Breath of Sindragosa
Strangulate target/focus
Strangulate target , hold shift to strangulate your focus.#showtooltip strangulate
/cast [modifier:shift, @focus] strangulate
/cast [nomodifier:shift] strangulate
Anti magic zone at cursor
Cast Anti magic zone at your cursor.#showtooltip Anti-Magic Zone
/cast [@cursor] Anti-Magic Zone
Chains of ice focus or target
Death knight macro that puts Chains of ice on your target or your focus when you hold down shift + macro.#showtooltip chains of ice
/cast [modifier:shift,@focus] chains of ice
/cast [nomodifier:shift] chains of ice
Older macros , some might be outdated for Retail but still work in Classic:
One button presences macro
If no modifier is used:Frost presence,alt modifier=unholy and shift modifier =blood presence.#show
/cast [modifier: alt] Unholy Presence; [modifier: shift] Blood Presence; [nomodifier] Frost Presence
Wow 4.3 Pillar of Frost + Raise Dead
Wow Death knight macro that casts Pillar of Frost and summons a ghoul.#showtooltip Pillar of Frost
/cast Pillar of Frost
/cast Raise Dead
Death Grip your target and taunt it
/cast deathgrip
/cast dark command
Lichborne Death Coil self healing
Casts Lichborne (you become undead) and spam Death Coil to heal yourself.#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast Lichborne;
/cast [@player] Death Coil
Death coil target or ghoul
Death coil your target , hold shift and to death coil your ghoul.#showtooltip Death Coil
/cast [nomodifier] Death Coil; [modifier:shift,target=pet] Death Coil
Self healing
Summon a pet and use Death Pact to heal yourself.#showtooltip
/castsequence reset=60 Raise Dead, Death Pact